I, Katie, currently work on the business part time. I love to get creative and design new things. I find it relaxing and try to do it in my free time. I am always open to new ideas and looking around for new opportunities. When I am not working on designs, I am usually at my full time job as an assistant manager at T-Mobile.
My Husband, Tony, is usually the one engraving. He enjoys building new things and passing along ideas to me. When I find myself in a pickle, Tony is usually there to help out with a new contraption to make things go smoother. When he is not working on the business, he is off dealing with kids as the primary home keeper.
The kids, Aubriana, Asher, and Casper love to come up with new cup ideas. They are always asking for new cups and love to take them to school and out and about. In a way, they hold their own by advertising. ;)
We hope you enjoy our creations as much as we loved making them for you.